kitt turbo, #667 of the b.ay a.rea d.erby girls.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The All-Star Bout--Coach Kitt part Deux

We beat the Sin City crew a lot to a little. It was a blast. There wasn't much I needed to do. The SF All Star crew really had it under control. We worked out a line up. I cheered and jeered from the bench. And they did the rest. Rock on ladies.

The next bout is July 15th. People should be there.

As for 'skater kitt' she's really getting antsy. The new arrival should arrive around the first week in September. Much like his older brother. I am hoping to get back on skates within a month of his birth. But god knows how that's going to work out.

Baby on the rink. Tits on demand. Skates on the feet.

roll out.


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